Shipping Policy
For logistical reasons, some items within the same order may be shipped separately, meaning you might receive your products in multiple packages. To ensure accurate and timely delivery, please double-check and provide your correct shipping address during checkout.
Please note that we are not responsible for lost packages resulting from an incomplete or incorrect address provided by the customer. It is crucial to verify your shipping details to avoid delivery issues. At checkout, you will have the option to choose your preferred shipping method, including a free shipping option, which means the product will be shipped from a supplier outside the country.
Our standard processing time for orders is 2-5 business days after placement. After the processing period, the estimated delivery time is 7-15 business days. These are approximate delivery times, and MaxShop does not guarantee specific delivery dates.
Once your order has been processed, we will generate a tracking number and send it to you via an email with a shipping confirmation. If you do not receive your tracking number within 5 business days, please contact us through the email form, including your order number.
We aim to deliver your orders as quickly as possible, but unforeseen circumstances may cause delays, such as public or national holidays, natural disasters, strikes in air and ground transportation, or other events beyond our control. If your delivery exceeds 45 business days, we offer a full refund to ensure your satisfaction.
You can rest assured that we are dedicated to meeting or exceeding your delivery expectations. Our team will always do its best to deliver your products on or before the estimated delivery date.
Om du har några frågor eller funderingar angående vår leveransprocess är du välkommen att kontakta oss på följande adress och telefonnummer:
Del og få 15% rabat!
Du skal blot dele dette produkt på et af følgende sociale netværk, og du får 15 % rabat!